* * * JREF Forum Thread * * * -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Thread : Suspensions from specific sub-forums? Started at 2nd June 2010 01:26 AM by Thunder Visit at http://forums.randi.org/showthread.php?t=177008 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 1] Author : Thunder Date : 2nd June 2010 01:26 AM Thread Title : Suspensions from specific sub-forums? I see that someone has been suspended from Forum Managemant, which I didn't know could be done. But now that I see it, I think its a great idea and should be used much more often. There are certain members who are considered to be "trolls" in the 9-11 CT and various Politics sections. Why not give these folks a long-term suspension from these areas...but let them participate in others? That way they can still learn and contribute to JREF, while not causing their usual nonesense. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 2] Author : Professor Yaffle Date : 2nd June 2010 01:35 AM This seems to be more of a suggestion than a question. Do you mind if I move it there (suggestions and feedback)? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 3] Author : Thunder Date : 2nd June 2010 03:35 AM surely -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 4] Author : Lisa Simpson Date : 2nd June 2010 03:39 AM We can, but so far we've only used it in Politics and FM. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 5] Author : UNLoVedRebel Date : 2nd June 2010 04:41 PM There are certain members who are considered to be "trolls" in the 9-11 CT and various Politics sections. Why not give these folks a long-term suspension from these areas...but let them participate in others?.Good idea parks, I actually agree with you. :eye-poppi -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 6] Author : lionking Date : 2nd June 2010 05:24 PM You do know, Thunder, who would be the first choice to be suspended from Politics if it were put a popular vote? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 7] Author : rjh01 Date : 2nd June 2010 06:11 PM Let us get this clear. Should a person be suspended from one sub forum because they 1. Are thought of as a troll? 2. They breached the MA? 3. There is no difference between the two options? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 8] Author : triforcharity Date : 3rd June 2010 02:21 PM Let us get this clear. Should a person be suspended from one sub forum because they 1. Are thought of as a troll? 2. They breached the MA? 3. There is no difference between the two options? BUZZZZZ! Informal poll invalid due to no planet X option. Trolling (IMHO) should not be a suspendable offence. TellTale Tom is, almost by definition, a troll, but I don't mind him. So, to be fair, if we suspend hatefull trolls, then we must also suspend the funny ones. Just my opinion. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 9] Author : Mojo Date : 3rd June 2010 06:00 PM There are certain members who are considered to be "trolls" in the 9-11 CT and various Politics sections. Why not give these folks a long-term suspension from these areas...but let them participate in others? You want that stuff all over the forum instead of just in Politics and CTs? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 10] Author : Foolmewunz Date : 3rd June 2010 06:54 PM Since man first walked upright, the world has been trying to define a "troll". It hasn't been accomplished in several threads of several hundred posts, each. So scratch trolling from the list. And now,.... I'm hard pressed to figure out what sort criteria we'd expect the mods to use. I think back in the olden days (you know, like in Darat's time) a couple of people got suspended or banned from Politics(I believe it was). I have to assume Big Brother was watching over the place back then, because what mod or admin is qualified to make that sort of qualitative analysis? Who decides that a person's posts are so valuable in areas B & C that in order to keep them as members, we'll just keep them out of Areas A & D? "Here, you're a danger to other posters in this section, but we think you'll be good over in those other sections." If the offense is great enough to get them banned/suspended from Politics, then total ban or suspension is in order. And the idea that a poster in Politics couldn't find the correct wording to post on that same subject in CT or in Current Events is really rather naive. You might want to do a quick poll before proposing this. I think if you asked for prime examples where this could be applied effectively, many would say, "Thunder - ban from posting on Jewish issues or Israeli issues" -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 11] Author : catsmate1 Date : 3rd June 2010 07:34 PM You want that stuff all over the forum instead of just in Politics and CTs? Exactly. Suspending members from Politics only would, in my opinion, be a Bad Thing. From my brief visits that forum acts jovianly to attract all manner of junk that otherwise would be bouncing around other areas of the forum, causing all sorts of problems. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 12] Author : rjh01 Date : 3rd June 2010 09:23 PM One time where it could be useful is when a member posts in several sub forums. However in only one of them (maybe due to the topic) they habitually breach the MA. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- [Post 13] Author : zooterkin Date : 3rd June 2010 09:36 PM Can I suggest the wording being used for the sub-forum suspensions needs tweaking? UncaYimmy has been suspended from the general Forum Management sections (not to include Public Notices and Appeals) until 3 JUL for "gaming the system." Is it necessary to refer to Public Notices, since ordinary members can't post there anyway? -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Downloaded from JREF Forum (http://forums.randi.org) at 5th June 2010 03:35 PM.